Available courses


  • Qualify to British Psychological Society (BPS) Test User standard
  • Become a fair and efficient administrator
  • Know how to interpret a wide range of tests
  • Experience giving feedback on ability tests
  • Appreciate the legal implications of testing
  • What are tests?
  • When should they be used?
  • How to evaluate fairness and validity
  • Practise test administration and feedback
  • Explore a wide range of available tests
  • Assessment of personal competence
  • This course is based on the BPS qualification system. Successful completion achieves accreditation of BPS Test User Occupational, Ability qualification
  • You will be able to register and purchase most ability tests including the Verbal, Numerical and Abstract Reasoning, the Career Interests Inventory and the Learning Styles questionnaires from the Profiling for Success series of instruments – online and paper-based – published by Team Focus
  • With your Test User Occupational, Ability certificate you will also be able to purchase ability tests from other publishers distributors. You will need to discuss with each one to clarify their conditions of purchase.

Course Information

Estimated Time: 20 hrs online + 1 day practical

Difficulty: Beginner

To appreciate the major models, methods and principles of personality measurement

To be in a position to choose further training in specific questionnaires:

  • the 16PF® family (including 15FQ+™)
  • the Big Five (including NEO-PIR™)
  • the Type family (including TDI® and LSI)
  • the Interpersonal Relationships measures (FIRO® and the Relational Health Audit)
  • To understand the differences between questionnaires measuring traits, type, relationships and their applications
  • Enjoy stimulating discussion and debate
  • Take a step on the path to the coveted British Psychological Society Test User, Personality

Repository for Interactive Course Development

3CO01 Business, Culture and Change in Context